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Imagine the feeling of receiving a gift that surpasses anything you feel deserving of. That’s grace in its purest form. It goes beyond mere words, transforming not just your beliefs, but your very essence. This divine grace has the power to touch your heart, guiding your actions with newfound purpose and compassion. When we reflect on Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice, we realize that it offers us not only salvation for the future but a profound and immediate transformation in the present moment. Feed that truth in your life.
Titus feeds the truth when he tells us God’s grace brings salvation and guides us away from sin.
Titus 2:11-12 in the New Living Translation says:
“For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God.”
Titus 2:11-12
Grace is not satisfied with sitting still or coasting. It is either growing or withering. In that way, it is just like sin, and you and I either feed the truth or starve it.
God’s truth nourishes your spirit. What are you feeding yourself—truth or lies? Don’t deny God’s grace in your life. Feed the truth from God’s Word. God’s immense grace bridges the gap between Him and us. Grace is a free gift that transforms us, leading to purpose and spiritual growth.
Remember the moment Jesus sacrificed Himself, uttering “It is finished.” That moment revealed God’s amazing grace, tearing down the veil separating us from God. Think back to the moment you truly believed. Grace took root then. What does grace mean to you?
Grace empowers action. It’s the grace that saves us, and God gives us more grace to live out the life He has called us to. The Christian life is a continuous journey; we need grace all along the way. May your journey toward realizing God’s grace fill you with lasting peace.
Holy God, It is Your presence and nearness that I desire today, because when I encounter You, my appetite for sin is shown to be what it really is—a sad imitation of the true fullness and joy that is found only in You. In You is life, and life to the fullest. Help my heart to know that today. You are water and streams in the desert, and light to my dark path. I thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.
How has God’s grace changed your life? Tell someone about it.
Now listen to the 2-minute version of this Abide meditation, “Feeding the Truth,” based on Titus 2:11-12. To go deeper with God on this passage, download the Abide app and start a premium subscription. Our longer meditations allow you more time to sit with God and listen to His voice. Use this link for 25% off.