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What is Revival?

Revival: [ ri-vahy-vuhl ]

“restoration to life, consciousness, vigor, strength, etc.; an awakening, in a church or community, of interest in and care for matters relating to personal religion.”


There’s a lot of talk recently about the revival going on at Asbury University. Some people are skeptical of the events that many report happening on campus, and later in another location as the masses overwhelmed the small university in Kentucky. All this might make you wonder, What is revival?

What’s happening at Asbury University is not new. Revivals and spiritual awakenings have happened many times throughout history. In an article for churchleaders.com, Patrick Morley writes that, in a revival, “People sense the presence of God powerfully; conviction, despair, contrition, repentance and prayer come easily; people thirst for God’s word; many authentic conversions occur and backsliders are renewed.”

People were flocking to Asbury University because they wanted to be a part of something big. They wanted to experience what so many of these students seemed to be experiencing: a mighty movement of God. And it is exciting to see people awakened to the Spirit of God. God is changing lives.

Revival Happens in Individuals

The often-missed fact about revival, though, is that it happens every day in the hearts of individuals. You don’t have to be in a big group with amazing things happening all around the room. At Abide, we hear all the time about how a listener’s life was changed when they encountered God through biblical meditation.

This app is changing my life and bringing me closer to God and His Word.

Abide listener

Whether you sense God’s presence powerfully in a gathering of hundreds of people, or by yourself, this awakening still happens in your heart as you are made more aware of the work God is doing in your life.

I really enjoy this app especially at night… It’s soothing and comforting and the abide stories, most of the narrators and content bring me peaceful sleep… I feel closer to God spiritually and I am consciously more aware of his presence in my everyday life… I find I have more patience, I am slower to get anxious and I am more than grateful for that.

Abide listener

Learn More With These Meditations

Questions about revival may include: How does it happen? What does it look like? Do miracles really happen at revivals? While this is not intended to be a complete treatise on the subject, you can learn more about what God’s Word says about the awakening that can happen when you seek to follow God with your whole heart. Start with these meditations on the theme of revival from the Abide app.

Revival Begins With Me

Recipe for Revival

Revive Us Again

Removing Roadblocks

Sparking Another Great Awakening

What you’ve heard above is just the 2-minute version of each meditation. To gain access to the 5-, 10-, and 15-minute versions, subscribe to Abide Premium through the App Store or Google Play Store. Or use this link for 25% off. You will also gain access to our library of more than 2000 full-length meditations, nearly 300 sleep stories, and much more. Download the app today and experience what listeners like Rhonda have.

3 years ago when I started the Abide app I had just gotten out of a psychiatric hospital. Initially at the psychiatric hospital I was considered mentally terminally disabled. I came across this Christian meditation app and it has literally changed my way of thinking to think positive things and to run Scriptures through my mind instead of any negative horrible things that the enemy would want me to meditate on. I would not have made such a drastic recovery without this app!

Rhonda, an Abide listener