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Have you ever felt like an outsider, hovering on the fringes without really belonging? Without feeling valued and treasured by anyone?
In those moments of loneliness, take heart—Jesus reaches out to those on the margins. Just as He reached out to Zacchaeus, a tax collector shunned by his community, He sees and values you. Despite Zacchaeus’s poor reputation, Jesus looked beyond it and offered him a personal connection. As recounted in Luke 19:5-6:
“And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today.’ So he hurried down and was happy to welcome him.”
Luke 19:5-6 English Standard Version
Jesus didn’t wait for Zacchaeus to change first; He offered love and grace unconditionally.
Think about the relief Zacchaeus must have felt when he realized Jesus valued him despite his flaws. Many of us feel unworthy because of past hurts, such as being mocked for things beyond our control. These experiences can leave scars and breed resentment toward ourself and others. However, Jesus invites us to heal and recognize our true worth as valued and treasured children of God.
Once Zacchaeus grasped his value in Jesus’ eyes, God transformed him. Christ’s love empowered him to forgive himself and others, and to make reparations for his past wrongs. This is the transformative power of God’s love; it doesn’t just include us but also renews us from within.
As you reflect today, think about how you can extend that same love to others. Is there someone in your life who feels like an outsider? They may need a reminder of their worth, just like Zacchaeus did. Embrace the beautiful mission of welcoming others into God’s family, knowing God deeply loves and values you. Remember, you’re not alone; you are valued and treasured by the One who created you.
Heavenly Father, I think everyone feels alone, and like an outsider, sometimes. I know I do. Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve to be part of Your family, and I struggle to believe that anyone really wants me. But God, You have demonstrated Your great love in sending Jesus. You’ve called me Yours, and You’ve called me beloved. Help me to hear You calling me — and to find my place of wholeness and belonging in You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Valued and Treasured,” based on Luke 19:5-6. Let God speak to your heart about how much He loves you.
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