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Meditation as Part of a Healthy Lifestyle

Staying active is key to any healthy lifestyle, and God encourages us to live active lives too! This week, we invite you to join us for active daily meditations—an Abide, total-body, experience.

Before you hit play, we invite you to go outside—take a walk, ride your bike, or even do yard work—and then begin meditating with us. You can also listen while you work out at the gym or even while you’re cleaning your house!

Take your spiritual health to the next level with this “workout” schedule this week. Download Abide now to begin your journey to better physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness.

Day 1: The Active Life

Sometimes, it can be hard to know if you’re moving in the right direction in this life, but in Christ, you know that his Spirit is always guiding you. Today, we invite God’s wisdom and direction in—asking him to make us fit for whatever plans he has ahead of us. As you listen and exercise with us, be inspired to do great things in Jesus’ name, while becoming more spiritually fit.

Day 2: Fuel for Victory

Jump into today’s meditation with Olympian Lolo Jones, as she shares her comeback journey after a heart-wrenching defeat years earlier. When you’re stuck in life’s lowest valleys, mental fitness is everything. The ability to succeed, both spiritually and physically, depends entirely on your ability to lock in and focus. Meditate with Lolo on the ultimate victory we’re all chasing—victory in Christ, victory over sin.

Day 3: Diving to Ascend

Meditate with us on what it means to be immersed in Jesus and delivered from our trials and temptations. Imagine, you’re diving into a pool as you listen to today’s mental workout. Just as you dive into a pool, we want to dive into Jesus’ healing waters during tough times. While baptism doesn’t bring us salvation, water does have healing and cleansing power. Invite Christ to wash you anew today, in his healing water of mercy and grace.

Day 4: Stretch Into Your Day

Just as athletes stretch to improve performance, God stretches us to get the most out of our faith. He wants us to be flexible, moldable in his hands. While he may bend you, he will never break you. God is simply stretching you to give you the strength you need to grow. Meditate on this simple truth today with us, and join us for a few stretching and breathing exercises.

Day 5: Steering Past Obstacles

For your final active meditation join Grant Lottering—an extreme endurance cyclist—as he inspires you to connect your mind and body while living God’s truth. Bonus points if you can go for a bike ride, while you listen! As you warm up, remember that your body is a blessing from God. He loves you no matter what physical condition you find yourself in. We pray that this exercise journey strengthens your appreciation for the body God has given to you.

To listen to more meditations for your healthy lifestyle, both physical and spiritual, download Abide now and use this 25% off link. This will give you access to our complete library of 1500+ faith-based meditations and 300+ Bible-based sleep stories designed to help you relax while you grow closer to God.