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How to Relax Your Mind for a Better Night’s Sleep

We all want good sleep, yet it’s something we can never seem to get enough of. Whether you struggle with racing thoughts when you lie down to sleep, or you can’t seem to make it through the night without waking up, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that 1 in 3 people will experience a sleep disorder at some point in their life. When it comes to good sleep, the odds are not in your favor! But we can show you how to relax your mind for a better night’s sleep.

But before we get into the secret to relaxing your mind for a better night’s sleep, let’s check your bedtime routine. Chances are, you’ve got some work to do.

Step-up Your Bedtime Routine

If your bedtime routine looks like…

Scrolling through social media for hours…

Raiding the pantry right before bed…

Downing one too many nightcaps…

Squeezing in a workout right before bed…

Something’s got to give.

If you want to learn how to relax your mind, you’ve got to have a sleep routine that encourages that.

  • Try swapping that glass of wine for a cup of warm chamomile tea.
  • Make sure your bed is just your bed, not your office or dinner table!
  • Trade in your intense workout for some light yoga or stretching.
  • Turn off the TV and read that book you’ve had on your nightstand for months.
  • Take a warm bath or shower.

Committing to one small, specific lifestyle change at a time can help you stick to your goals better too. Once your bedtime routine is under control, you’re ready for the real secret to better sleep.

The Secret to Better Sleep

It’s no secret that biblical meditation is great for your health. There is study after study that proves the health benefits behind meditating regularly. But meditation is also great for your sleep health! Research suggests that meditating before bed can help you improve sleep quality, and may be effective in treating insomnia.

With Abide, it’s easier than ever to relax your mind before bed.

Tonightafter you wash your face, brush your teeth, and change into your pajamasclimb into bed and take some time to really get comfy. As you relax into your soft sheets and feel the weight of your comforter surrounding you with warmth, make sure you have the Abide app. If you don’t have it, you can download it now with this 25% off link.

Biblical sleep meditations can really help to relax your mind for a better night’s sleep. Here are some snippets of some of the more than 300 sleep stories on the Abide app.

A Faith-Filled Life

A Faith-Filled Life is written to usher you into deep, restful sleep as you dwell on the life of faith into which you have been called by God. The book of Hebrews, chapter 11, is filled with stories of people who have lived lives of faith. It tells of the things they trusted God for, even when they could not see a way through themselves. That same faith, in that same faithful, good God, is available to you. All you need to do is grasp it and then rest in it.

Goodnight Stress

Often, when you lie down to sleep, your mind kicks into high gear and it can be hard to slow it down. While there are many things that fight for your attention, bedtime is a time for rest. Choose to say “goodnight” to stress and all the things that beg you to notice them, as you rest in the peace of God.

At the End of the Day

Each new day is a gift. All of our days are in God’s hands. With God’s wisdom, we are able to make the most of each and every day, to enjoy our life to the fullest. As you prepare to sleep tonight, take a few deep breaths in and out, inviting God’s presence into your whole being. When breathing out, let the matters of your day drift further and further away from you.

Dinner by the Sea

Calm your mind and let the happenings of the day filter away, as you allow your thoughts to rest on one person – Jesus. He is with you, and he loves you! He is waiting to spend time with you tonight. As you drift off to sleep, his open hand is welcoming you to join him.

Abide has helped thousands of people relax their minds and for a better night’s sleep through our biblical bedtime stories. And as a bonus, you can draw closer to God too! Download the Abide app for access to all our sleep stories, with 2 new stories being added each week!