A dirt path through a forest of tall trees shows why we need faith over fear to follow God.

Faith Over Fear: A Daily Meditation 

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How does God’s presence benefit you when you’re afraid or anxious? Do you really have faith over fear?

That’s a question Joshua faced after Moses died. Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea and received the Ten Commandments from God. He was a beloved leader. Then, Moses died, and Joshua was suddenly in charge, tasked with leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.  

Joshua was afraid, but God comforted him by saying in Joshua 1:9:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” 

Joshua 1:9, New International Version

God’s promise to Joshua applies to you as well.  

You can be strong and courageous because God is with you wherever you go. Everyone battles fear and anxiety—even Joshua, one of the Bible’s greatest leaders. Joshua wasn’t special or unique; the Bible records times when he failed to trust God. Joshua was a great leader only because of God’s mighty power. When he was fearful, he took comfort knowing God was by his side. When God calls someone to a task, He guides and equips them. If God has called you to a task, He will walk alongside you to accomplish it. 

Do you want the courage of Joshua? Verse 8 reveals a secret behind how he puts his faith over fear: God told Joshua to study, obey, and meditate on His Word. 

If you’ve been around children, you know they can be fearful of many things. A loving parent would tell such a child there’s nothing to fear. That’s how God views our fears. If you battle fear often, know that you’re not alone. You and Joshua have plenty of company. Moses battled fear. So did Peter. All the disciples were fearful at one point or another. But they found solace in the God of peace and courage. Today, so can you. 

Father: Thank You for being a God who is with me wherever I go. Thank You for calling me to serve You. I ask that You will give me peace, strength and courage this week. Chase away my fears and anxiety. Grant me the faith of Joshua. Walk beside me. And when I’m tempted to be fearful, fill me with Your presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Faith Over Fear,’ based on Joshua 1:9. Let God speak to you about how to handle your fear.

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