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God’s salvation isn’t a one-time event; it’s a transformative journey. We see this in Isaiah, where God promises protection for Judah. He doesn’t just rescue them; He promises they’ll “put roots down” and “grow up and flourish”
“And you who are left in Judah, who have escaped the ravages of the siege, will put roots down in your own soil and grow up and flourish.”
Isaiah 37:31, New Living Translation
This speaks to a deeper purpose—a life transformed, bearing fruit like love, joy, and peace.
This isn’t accidental. When we confess our sins, God forgives and cleanses us, equipping us for life and godliness. This echoes God’s promise to His people—to flourish in their own soil. We, the “surviving remnant” saved by grace, are like those who’ve escaped a storm. Bruised but alive, we hold the potential for growth.
Imagine an orchard ravaged by a storm. Branches are broken, blossoms strewn, and unripe fruit scattered. Yet, amidst the devastation, a small grove stands untouched. Delicate pink flowers and tiny green fruits cling to the branches—a promise of life. This grove is your “remnant,” preserved by God’s grace.
Just like these trees, we are rooted in His love. We soak up the “goodness” of faith, and our leaves —our actions—reflect the light of His Spirit. The fruit of our lives—kindness, patience, peace—takes time to grow and sweeten.
But bear fruit we will. These gifts won’t just nourish ourselves; they’ll offer sustenance to others around us. Just as the saved trees offer shade and promise delicious fruit, we, too, will offer a taste of God’s love to a hungry world.
God who saves, Thank You for Your grace—for lifting me out of my trouble and my sin and giving me a firm place to stand. I will forever sing Your praises so that everyone may know that salvation is only found in You. As I abide in You, may good fruit flourish in my life through the work of the Holy Spirit. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Bearing Upward Fruit,” based on Isaiah 37:31. Let God speak to your heart about the fruit you bear in your life.
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