A fresh page in a new book helps us to embrace a new thing in our lives.

A New Thing: A Daily Meditation 

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Life is a journey with many chapters, each offering new opportunities for growth and fulfillment. However, many of us find ourselves stuck in past struggles, unable to embrace a new thing in the present or future with confidence. In 1 Peter 5:6-7, the apostle wrote:

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 

1 Peter 5:6-7, New Living Translation

This passage highlights a fundamental truth: embracing humility and trust in a divine plan leads to upliftment and blessings. It underscores the importance of letting go of past grievances. Embrace a mindset of faith and dependence on a loving God who wants joy and peace for His followers. 

In a society that values self-reliance, this message shifts the focus toward recognizing the spiritual significance of relying on God rather than solely on personal strength. Refusing to release past baggage indicates a lack of trust in God’s ability to guide and support us through life’s challenges. The analogy of carrying burdens, like young David attempting to wear Saul’s armor, speaks to the futility of bearing heavy emotional loads that hinder progress and service to a greater purpose. 

The theme of learning from the past without dwelling on it promotes growth and resilience. By redirecting focus toward the present and future, we can experience the warmth and promise of each new day, like a sunrise bringing light and hope. Just as a caring shepherd tends to his flock, God extends a hand to guide and uplift those who feel lost or burdened. 

Humility is a foundational principle in the Christian journey, acknowledging our dependence on God for strength and guidance. It opens the door to a life filled with joy and peace, highlighting the need to let go of pride and embrace a posture open to God’s voice. We do not achieve success in life alone. Success is rooted in a partnership with God. It reflects a harmonious relationship built on trust, humility, and reliance on a higher power.  

Father, thank You for being the God of grace. Thank You for caring for me when I don’t deserve it. I can’t let go of the past without Your help. Help me to turn the page, to forgive those I need to forgive. Help me to embrace Your grace and mercy. I love You. It’s in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

Listen now to the short version of the Abide meditation, “A New Thing,” based on 1 Peter 5:6-7. Let God speak to your heart about letting go of your past and embracing a new thing.

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