A pink lily against a dark pink background reminds us of a mother's influence in our lives.

A Mother’s Influence: A Daily Meditation 

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Our mothers shape us, evoking joy, anger, or even pain. A mother’s influence reaches into our adulthood in ways we probably don’t even realize. 

Exodus 20:12—the 5th of the 10 Commandments—gives us a call:  

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.”  

Exodus 20:12, English Standard Version

The role of “mother” can extend beyond biology to honoring those who nurtured us. Take a deep breath. Reflect on your mother’s influence, both the good and difficult aspects. What does honoring the mother-figure in your life look like? 

Imagine two paths: “reality” (your current relationship) and “prayed for” (the one you yearn for). Walk both paths with God, seeking healing and a future filled with honor. 

If your relationship is strained, forgiveness is key. Allow God to heal you and guide you on how to honor your mother, even from a distance. 

If your mother is no longer living, ask God to fill the void. He understands what’s missing and His grace is sufficient for you. Reflect on how you can honor the mothers in your life—those who gave birth, nurtured, and prayed for you. 

Pray, thanking God for your mother’s influence and seeking grace for all mothers and children. 

Dear Father, I thank You for creating each mom with a unique blend of gifts and talents and for the sacrifices moms make for their children. I pray for single moms, who must lean solely on You for the fathering of their children. Be near those women facing infertility challenges or those who have recently experienced the loss of a mother, daughter, son or other loved one. I pray for the mother-figures who stand in the gap for children who face abuse and dysfunction. May You be the daily bread and the living water for tired mothers. May each mom reject perfectionism and embrace the fullness of the gospel. In Jesus I pray. Amen. 

Listen now to the short version of the Abide meditation, “A Mother’s Influence,” based on Exodus 20:12. Let God speak to you about how to honor your mother.

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