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Small plants shine in the morning sun as a reminder to pray a prayer for a new week.

A Morning Prayer for a New Week

Jokes and memes abound about Monday mornings. Seems that nobody likes to see the weekend end. But what if we turned our thinking around and actually thanked God for Mondays instead of just Fridays? What if we thanked God for every day? Pray this morning prayer for a new week with me, and let’s adjust our thinking to reflect the newness of God’s mercies every day.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23, ESV).

An open Bible surrounded by plants and dirt remind us that we grow in God's Word as we pray a morning prayer for a new week.

Father God, every day that I wake up is a new day to rejoice in your steadfast love, your khesed, your kindness and goodness. Thank you for waking me up this morning with your faithfulness. Direct my attention to you throughout the day. It’s a new morning and a new chance to abide in you.

Help me to have a positive attitude toward whatever is in store for me today. No matter what comes my way, keep my eyes on you. You are the author and perfecter of my faith. You are the bright and morning star. You are the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega. There is no shadow of turning in you. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. And I am grateful.

Even when I’m not happy with my circumstances, I can still rejoice in you. Circumstances change. You never do. So help me to look beyond my circumstances to see how I can be a light to those around me. Take my eyes off of myself and help me to see others through your eyes. Everyone has a story, Lord. I know that. Help me to remember that and treat people with kindness that reflects your character.

And Lord, give me joy in my work. Whether I’m at school, at home, at my job, help me to be grateful. I know that it’s your Spirit who works in me to produce the fruit of love, joy, peace, and patience. It’s your kindness, goodness, and faithfulness that makes a difference in my life and the life of everyone I encounter. Help me to be gentle and have self-control through your Spirit. This week is yours, Lord. This day, this hour, this moment in time, they are all yours.

It’s in the name of Jesus that I live, move, and have my being. Amen.

Now listen to the 2-minute version of this Abide meditation based on Lamentations 3:22-23.

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Start your week in a positive way with this morning prayer for a new week. God’s mercies are always new and his steadfast love never ceases! May God’s blessings be evident as you abide in him.

For more prayers see: