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A woman counts money in her hand as she worries about financial hardship.

5 Verses to Meditate on During Financial Hardship

Worry can steal your joy, your rest—leaving you paralyzed. Money can be a particularly big source of worry for many families. If you’re dealing with financial hardship, meditate with Abide on these Bible verses about finances—taking comfort in God’s promise to take care of all of his children.

Matthew 6:33

In Matthew 6, we’re reminded to “seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you all that you need.” Notice Jesus doesn’t say he will give you everything you want. God will give you everything you need. We’re reminded to seek the Kingdom of God first, rather than seeking things that just satisfy us in the short term. When we do this, we can lay our money problems at God’s feet—remembering that God works all things for the good of those who love him. If you’re struggling through a financial crisis of your own, click play on the 2-minute version of the meditation below and meditate with Abide narrator Johnathon Eltrevoog on the comforting promise of Matthew 6.

1 Timothy 6:10

In the book of 1 Timothy, we’re reminded that “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evils.” When you crave money—and all the things money can buy—above all else, you’re not putting your faith in God. These things don’t draw you closer to God, rather they pull you away from him. Fortunately, God can fulfill all of your needs, and he longs to be the center of your life. He’s simply so happy to spend time with you. As you listen to the 2-minute version of this meditation below with Abide narrator Bonnie Curry. Ask God to reveal anything in your heart that is keeping you from him.

Hebrews 13:5-6

We all chase contentment. It’s that elusive thing we chase to fill a void—making it easy to mistake greed for dreams. When we live only for the future, we miss everything God has in store for us right now. We fail to see the blessing in everything we already have. In Hebrews 13, Paul reminds us to “keep our lives free from the love of money, and be content with what you have.” No matter how big your dreams are, remember to be content now. The God of the universe is for you, and that is more than enough. Listen to and meditate with Abide narrator Bonnie Curry in this 2-minute version of the meditation titled “Are You Content?”

1 Corinthians 9:17

When we talk about being good stewards, we often think about money. The Scripture invites us to remember that everything we have—our talents, our education, our interests—belongs to God. It’s all been given to us so that we can share them. In 1 Corinthians 9, the Apostle Paul writes, “If I were doing this on my own initiative, I would deserve payment. But I have no choice, for God has given me this sacred trust.” Paul doesn’t share the gospel because it’s his job, he preaches about Jesus because it’s a message he’s been given. What we’ve been given, we’re invited to give away. Click play on this 2-minute version of this Abide meditation and meditate with Abide narrator Tyler Boss on what it looks like for you to be a steward of the gospel.

Romans 8:31

If you’ve ever wondered whether God is really on your side, turn to Romans 8:31. “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” When you consider what is really involved with God’s salvation, it’s exciting. God is fighting for you. There’s literally nothing that can knock you down. Meditate on that truth with the 2-minute version of this Abide meditation, and approach God boldly this week.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your financial hardship, causing you worry and uncertainty, lean on these verses and the promise that no matter what, God is for you. You are enough.

Sometimes, our problems are too big for us to fight alone, and that’s okay. God made us for community. Contact a trusted financial counselor to help you figure out a plan for your future.

If you enjoyed these faith-based recommendations for thriving in God during financial hardship, download the Abide app now for full access to these meditations, plus hundreds of others, on our Christian biblical meditation app. Use this link to receive 25% off our premium subscription.