It’s the National Day of Prayer! Since 1952, Americans of all faiths come together on the first Thursday of May to pray for the nation. The National Day of Prayer belongs to all Americans—transcending differences and bringing us all together. This year, we collected our 4 favorite daily prayers we can all be praying. Make time this morning to pray one of these prayers on your way to work, while you’re driving your kids to school, or as you’re sipping your morning coffee.
1. Pray Without Ceasing
The Apostle Paul invites us to pray without ceasing. How do you respond to this invitation? Perhaps it sounds impossible; you’re too busy. Or perhaps, this invite sparks something inside you. You do want to feel more connected to God every day. Click play and let’s pray together over the words of Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5 in the 3 1/2 minute version of this Abide meditation led by Abide narrator Tyler Boss. As you listen, take a moment to pause and think about how God might be calling you to practice the spiritual discipline of prayer in a more regular, constant way in your life.
2. Prayer for Worry
If worry is a constant companion in your life, hit play on this 3 1/2 minute version of this prayer with Abide narrator Bonnie Curry. As you listen, take a deep breath, relax your shoulders and turn your heart to the Word of God for peace. In Philippians 4, we’re instructed to stop worrying. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” As worries overwhelm you today, welcome them in, but then hand them over to God. Pray for God’s peace to overwhelm you instead, as you meditate on this promise.
3. Embrace God’s Presence
When you spend time with the living God, you look and sound more like him. More than anything right now, the world needs more of that—more of Jesus. Click play on the 3 1/2 minute version of this guided meditation with Abide narrator Will Huggins, and ask God to change you to be more like his Son. Being in God’s presence is transformative. You may not feel brave or bold, but the more time you spend with Jesus, the more he will transform you into his image.
4. Prayer for Guidance
God is the keeper of all knowledge, yet gracious enough to give us all the wisdom and discernment that we need. Click play on the 3 1/2 minute version of this meditation with Drew Dickens and listen for God. Ask him to help you hear him, as we pray together. We’re blessed that God gives wisdom generously and without criticism, but we often forget to even ask. Use this prayer to practice asking God for help. We could all use a little more wisdom. Remember that even faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, so in faith, ask God to give you more wisdom right now.
We hope these prayers help you to live better in Christ’s peace and help you grow closer to God. For access to the full-length version of all these meditations, download Abide now. With the Abide app, you’ll have access to more than 2,000 meditations, prayers, step-by-step guides, and bedtime stories. Start your 7-day free trial now.